Where applicable, we publish responses to requests under the Freedom of Information Act 2000. This one, , is detailed below.
Other FOI's
Ref: FOI/20084
West Midlands Fire Service has now completed its search for the information requested on 18th September 2020
Please find below a summary of our findings.
- Can you confirm which appliances within WMFS carry the ‘T’ piece adapter to attach to a BA set to make it a twin pack (EDBA)?
Currently all frontline PRL’s and BRV’s carry the ‘T’ piece adapter.
- Can all operational staff wear EDBA at an operational incident?
All operational staff can wear EDBA at an incident, as long as they have had the conversion training and are deemed competent.
- What is the additional training required for a Ff qualified in SDBA to wear EDBA? (Could you please provide a description of the course and the content taught?)
The principles of wearing SCBA and EDBA are the same with regards to air management and procedures, so it is a session to understand how to convert the set to twinned cylinders and ensure the telemetry and entry control board is set up to understand there are 2 cylinders being used on the set. Also there is an Ecadamy course to be completed. Users must be aware of the physiological effects a longer duration wear will have on the body.
If you have any queries about this freedom of information request, please contact us. Please remember to quote the reference number above in any future communications.
For service complaints, issues or comments regarding this request please contact The Public Relations Department, West Midlands Fire Service, 99 Vauxhall Road, Birmingham, B7 4HW
Further information concerning Freedom of Information requests can be found on the Information Commissioner website at either the following link: https://ico.org.uk/ or at Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, SK9 5AF.