Firefighters - Leavers Data
Where applicable, we publish responses to requests under the Freedom of Information Act 2000. This one, Firefighters - Leavers Data, is detailed below.
Other FOI's
Ref: FOI/24072
West Midlands Fire Service (WMFS) has now completed its search for the information requested on 23rd May 2024, please find below a summary of our findings.
The average length of service for a fire fighter?
The average length of service for employees with a rank of firefighter is currently 9.7 years.
What is the process for a fire fighter to promote to crew commander?
The process is a Career Development Leadership Pathway (CDLP) that is a framework which has been designed to support the development of individuals within their current roles, with the vision for future roles across all areas (Operational, Fire Control and Non-Uniformed).
The CDLP is based around the 4 Levels of Leadership and Behavioural Framework, providing a clear direction and the tools which will support the development and/or progression journey. Individual journeys can be seen as Road Maps. The Road Map within the CDLP provides information of which Personal Development Plans (PDP) are required to be completed at each level for all staff. In the case of Crew Manager this will involve a ‘safe to ride’ element to ensure competence in Level 1 incident command as well as many other areas of personal and professional development.
How long on average it takes a firefighter to become a crew commander/manager?
Our new CDLP programme will allow us to understand this, but we do not hold this information at present.
What is the fastest a fire fighter could achieve promotion to crew commander?
This is dependent upon previous skills acquisition and learning. Technically if the individual had already hit elements within the development Road Map, then they could arrange for a Level 1 assessment at the earliest opportunity to take a temporary role as Crew Commander.
Obviously, this is assuming the Firefighter is competent in role.
What is the fastest a fire fighter has achieved promotion to crew commander?
Our new CDLP programme will allow us to understand this, but we do not currently hold this information at present. Anecdotally we do see scenarios whereby Firefighters have transferred in from other Brigades with appropriate managerial experience, with Incident Command and competence, making them almost immediately available for temporary promotion.
How long on average do crew commanders take to promote to watch commander?
Our new CDLP programme will allow us to understand this, but we do not hold this information at present.
From 2016 to 2023 what was the substantive rank of those who have left the fire service with an immediate pension split by full pension at 60, authority initiated early retirement and member initiated early retirement.
Please see attached.
If you have any queries about this freedom of information request, please contact us. Please remember to quote the reference number above in any future communications.
For service complaints, issues or comments regarding this request please contact The Public Relations Department, West Midlands Fire Service, 99 Vauxhall Road, Birmingham, B7 4HW.
Further information concerning Freedom of Information requests can be found on the Information Commissioner website at either the following link: or at Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, SK9 5AF.