What is safeguarding?
Safeguarding is the term used to describe all work to help children, young people and adults with care and support needs to stay safe from abuse and neglect and, wherever possible, to prevent or limit the risk of that harm.
There is a duty on organisations to make appropriate arrangements to safeguard and promote the welfare of children and adults with care and support needs who are at risk of or experiencing abuse and neglect. This involves people and organisations working together to prevent and stop both the risks and experience of abuse or neglect, while at the same time making sure that a child or adult’s health, safety and wellbeing is promoted.
Our commitment to safeguarding
Safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility. All our staff have a responsibility to safeguard and promote the welfare of children and adults with care and support needs.
We believe that all children, young people, and adults, whatever their age, culture, disability, gender, language, racial origin, socio-economic status, religious beliefs and sexual identity have the right to be safe from abuse and neglect.
West Midlands Fire Service follows our Safeguarding Policy and Procedures which include a People in a Position of Trust Policy.. We not only respond to the risk from fire, road traffic collisions and other life-threatening situations but also work with people in local communities who may be at risk from abuse and neglect.
We recognise the important role that we can play in partnership with other agencies. We work with the adult and children’s safeguarding boards and partnerships in the West Midlands Metropolitan region which includes seven local authority areas.
Reporting Abuse and Neglect
Always dial 999 in an emergency.
We know it can be difficult to report abuse, but if you don’t help, who will? You can report safeguarding concerns by phone or online at any time. The following websites have information about how to report safeguarding concerns in your local area:
Birmingham Safeguarding Children Partnership
Birmingham Safeguarding Adults Board
Coventry Safeguarding Children Partnership
Coventry Safeguarding Adults Board
Dudley Safeguarding People Partnership
Sandwell Children’s Safeguarding Partnership
Sandwell Safeguarding Adults Board
Solihull Local Safeguarding Children Partnership
Solihull Safeguarding Adults Board