Visit bookings
All bookings are now taken online.
Numbers and charges
When making a booking, please be realistic about visit numbers. Amendments will be subject to an administration fee.
Booking Cancellation
Cancellations made within one month of the visit will be liable for 50% of the initial booking fee. Visits are cancelled with less than 1 week’s notice; the full booking fee will apply.
All tours and timings are subject to change
Tours start with an introduction for everyone, after which visitors are split into small groups who are led around the scenarios by a trained Safety Advisor/ Practitioner. After each tour, groups come back for a plenary session. Depending on the programme this can take the format of an interactive quiz, an evaluation or simply a discussion about what has been learnt, along with the opportunity to ask questions.
We advise that visitors use toilets on arrival and at lunchtime.
As the tour is tightly timed, toilet visits during the tour, although possible, mean that parts of the tour are missed. We therefore ask all visitors to use toiles on arrival or during breaks/lunchtime, where possible.
We provide you with space in which visitors can eat packed lunches.
Personal belongings
Visitors are discouraged from taking bags, phones and coats around the scenarios. These can be left in the conference or meeting rooms, which can be locked.
Safeside can however take no responsibility for valuables.
Mobile phones must always be on silent. All visitors, including accompanying staff, are asked not to answer calls except for genuine emergencies, as this is very disruptive during the visit.
Mobile phones
Mobile phones must be on silent at all times. All visitors, including accompanying staff, are asked not to answer calls during tours except for genuine emergencies, as this is very disruptive.
Teachers are often surprised at how well children work together.
Where possible, groupings shall be carried out by the teacher.
Special circumstances, needs or conditions
Please inform us when booking, of any special requirements such as mobility.
Please let us know if you are aware of any personal issues relating to the programme coverage.
For example, it would be helpful to know if a visitor has recently experienced a house fire or a road casualty bereavement.
Knowing in advance can help our Practitioners / Safety Advisors to adapt the tour and be prepared.
Accompanying staff
Please assign yourself to one group only during each.
Please check on arrival.
Please ask the permission of the groups’ Practitioner/Safety
Advisor –
Before taking photographs of your children in the village.
Before including practitioners/advisors in any photos.
For Safeside programmes please visit our website
Alternatively, for any questions, please email