Fire Cadets
Fire Cadets is a National uniformed cadet group. West Midlands Fire Service have 8 branches across the West Midlands area.
What do we do?
The Fire Cadets are a dedicated uniformed youth movement, which is open to all young people from the age of 11- 16 regardless of gender, race or religion. The association aims to provide young people with the opportunity to develop their skills and coordination through training and discipline.
Some of the practical skills children can be taught are:
- Basic firefighting drills
- Fire safety in the home
- Fire extinguishing media and their use
- First aid
- Teamwork
- Leadership
- Team building
- Map reading
- Survival skills
- Climbing
- Caving
- Marching

Charitable Activities
The Fire Cadets themselves raise money by group activities such as washing cars and use the money raised in many good works, including free supply and fitting of smoke detector alarms to old and disabled people in the community. Fire Cadet fundraising has also helped pay for guide dogs for blind people and assistance to their families of Firefighters killed on duty.
Adventure Activities
The Fire Cadets undertake activities such as camping, canoeing and abseiling, cave exploration and many other forms of adventure activity for the members. These activities are usually structures to fulfil the “skills” and “expeditions” sections of the Duke of Edinburgh’ Award.
Other skills
As well as practical skills and activities, there are great life skills to be learnt too, here are some examples::
- Communication
- Interview techniques
- Personal development
- Self-discipline
- Self Esteem
- Drug, solvent and alcohol abuse awareness
Where are Fire Cadets based?
We have branches based across the West Midlands which run on different days – Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. See our lists below for which branches run on which days.
The branches with (SEND) stand for ‘Special educational needs and disability’ – these branches do almost all of the same activities, but the activities are tailored to suit young people with specialist needs.
Foleshill (SEND) Q.A.V.S*
*Recipient of The Queens Award for Voluntary Service
How to apply
To apply, or register your interest with one of our Fire Cadet branches, please complete the form below.
If you are applying, it is important a completed Parental Consent Form is also attached. Please download the consent form from the download link provided. This needs to be completed and signed then can either be scanned and uploaded on the form below, or you can bring it with you to the branch.