Petrol and other fuels, particularly when stored at home, present a potential hazard.
They can give off highly flammable vapours. You need to inform your local Petroleum Enforcement Authority if you store above a certain quantity (see below).
How much can you store at home?
You can store up to 30 litres of petrol at home (or in other non-workplace places such as a motor vehicle, boat or aircraft) without the need for a licence or to inform your local Petroleum Enforcement Authority.
You can store it in:
- A maximum of 2 suitable, purpose-made, portable metal or plastic containers, such as those purchased at a fuel filling station
- one demountable fuel tank
- a combination of the above as long as no more than 30 litres is kept in total
It is illegal to store any quantity of petroleum in a flat or apartment.
If you plan to store more than 30 litres (to a maximum of 275 litres), you must apply to your local Petroleum Enforcement Authority (PEA) in writing. In the West Midlands, West Midlands Fire Service is the PEA.
For any other storage, such as at petrol stations or workplaces, or to store more than 275 litres in non-workplace premises, you require a petroleum certificate. Please see our Petroleum Certificates page.

Where can you store petrol at home?
Petrol and other fuels should never be stored in living areas, which includes living rooms, kitchens, bedrooms, under stairs and similar. Any storage should be suitably secured to protect against possible theft, vandalism or arson.
You should take all possible steps to ensure that the storage area is free of potential heat or ignition sources for the fuel vapours.
The storage area for petroleum spirit should be in a fire separated storage area – for example in an attached garage with a block or brick wall between the accommodation and garage areas.
Other tips for safe storage:
- don’t fill a container more than the capacity printed on the label
- petrol is highly flammable and extremely corrosive, which is why it needs to be kept in an appropriate container
- always decant fuel in the open air
- never smoke or have a naked flame near the fuel
- never use petrol or fuel directly on a BBQ or bonfire at home.
You should not use petrol in the same area you’re storing it for any purpose other than:
- in the fuel tank of an internal combustion engine such as a vehicle, petrol lawnmower or similar
- in quantities not exceeding 150 millilitres at any one time) for cleaning or as a solvent for repair purposes.